Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Warli Peacock

Its a Warli Peacock.After a long trial and error version i got to do this work.This work is done on a Handmade paper using Acrylic Colours.

Blue Handmade paper
000 Brush
White Acrylic  Colour
Trace Paper
White Carbon Paper
Warli Design (u will find many in net)

How to do ??
1.Initially i drew the design on to the trace paper

2.Then i traced it using a white carbon sheet on to the Handmade paper.

3.After i traced it i used a nib to draw the wings of the peacock to get perfect lines.

4.You get these kind of nibs in the stationary shops.

5.I dipped the nib point in the white acrylic colour and gradually drew the lines of the peacock wings.

6.Draw very patiently eats your time

7.I painted the tree using acrylic white colour 000 brush.

8.Its done..

9.Here i preferred acrylic colour  for a shining finish..poster colours can also be used.

10.Shake the paint bottles before you use it because sometimes the colour and the water content is separate .to get the perfect colour shake welll...

11.The pic is done